ah oui, j'ai oublie un truc important...Southern Death Cult et son leader du nom de Ian Atsbury de descendance amerindienne et ne comprenant pas trop le mot gothique pour lui, disait ceci:
One of the groups coming up at the same time as Southern Death Cult
was Sex Gang Children, and Andi - he used to dress like a Banshees fan,
and I used to call him the Gothic Goblin because he was a little guy,
and he's dark. He used to like Edith Piaf
and this macabre music, and he lived in a building in Brixton called
Visigoth Towers. So he was the little Gothic Goblin and his followers
were Goths. That's where goth came from.
Bref pour etre goth au minimum faut aimer Piaf...C'est pas faux parce qu'en texte sombre c'est une sacree artiste...et si ce mot goth etait la continuité d'un soit disant mouvement..elle etait dedans assurement sauf que ça n'a jamais ete le cas....pourquoi? la reponse est tres simple...